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Jean Claude Van Damme's Van Damn (2014)
When the corrupt Mayor Knob plots to ruin the city, it’s up Colonel Luc Sloane to stop him! A film from Nebulus Visions Multimedia.

Spotlight (2020)
Leona's acting career is threatened by the emergence of Jada Gallery so she decides to take matters into her own hands. A film from Nebulus Visions Multimedia.

Solve for X (2019)
Things are going to get heated. A film from Nebulus Visions Multimedia.

If It Bleeds (2018)
Exacerbating the conversation by escalating the crisis! A film from Nebulus Visions Multimedia.

Cardigan Sorrow (2017)
A 48 hour film… before it was cool. A film from Nebulus Visions Multimedia.

Thunderbolt 2: Never Strike Twice (2016)
He was in the wrong place at the reich time. A film from Nebulus Visions Multimedia.

Catastrophe! (2015)
When a cataclysmic event occurs, two siblings fight for survival! A film from Nebulus Visions Multimedia.

The Diary of Anya Frank (2014)
Anya Sakewski’s new novel threatens to expose her friends’ darkest secrets. A film from Nebulus Visions Multimedia.

One Day In Denver (2014)
We were selected to participate in a bonus 48 Hour Film Project this year highlighting what makes our city special for New Amsterdam Vodka. Here's all you can do in a single day in Denver.

Thunderbolt (2013)
After his uncle Virgil is kidnapped, Thunder Bolt must take down the Shizuka drug cartel to save him. A film from Nebulus Visions Multimedia.

Don't Be A Pussy! (2012)
A racing cat loses everything and tries to get his life back. A film from Nebulus Visions Multimedia.
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